Since the time the sage Jaya Govinda Singh Shrestha got blessings about 400 years back, goddess Durga has been worshipped in Paiyunkot Temple during the greatest festival of Nepal, Bada Dashain and Ram Nawami as well. On Astami (the eighth day of Dashain) the second born lamb is sacrificed and offered to five girls on Nawami (the ninth day of Dashain) as Prasad of the Devi. Kal Bhairabh and Bhimsen are also worshipped in Dashain. Sen prople sacrifice male buffalo and the Katuwal play the Nagara on Astami.
Other important temples of Paiyunkot include Shree Ganesh Temple, Kul Deuta Temple, Bhimsen Temple where a triangular black colored idol of Bhimsen or Bhairav is worshipped as lord Shiva as the king Brishadev wrote in his inscription in 613 AD, Patan Devi Temple – As mentioned in Hindu religious book Shree Swasthani, king Daksha Prajapati did not pay respect to lord Shiva in his grand Yagya; this made Sati Devi angry to her father and jumped into the burning fire of the Hawan Kunda. However, the divine fire couldn’t burn her body. Lord Shiva went around the earth carrying his wife Satidevi’s dead body which fell onto the earth in Patambar, India. So in her name this temple was established and is worshipped with great respect – and Kalbhairab Temple popular with the myth in which the idol of god Kalbhairab also known as Rudra, a form of Lord Shiva, was found when local people of Kathmandu unearthed the Nagarjuna Hill in the Middle age. On astami tithi, Kalbhairab is worshipped with the belief that it makes us free from pains and problems; the two words “Kal” and “Bhairav” together mean having no fear of death and having justice from the god.
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